Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to use the word YES AND NO in our daily routine - The secret code

Most of the citizens of any race are quite unaware about the impact of the word that they are using especially this word YES and NO. In this blog I will reveal the impact of those words.
When is the time that you refuse to anybody? That's my question, but you"re not going to answer it now, some of us are making a mouthflowering word to explain something in order to get their attention or symphaty to you. My point now is how do you refuse and how do you please anybody that is concerned with any situation mingling this fact. Well, here it is:
What is the importance of YES
Yes - means used as a function word to express assent or agreement, but how do we use this one, logically, certainly, somebody is still using this word even they don"t agree to something. but do"nt you know that there is a secret code behind the word YES if we use this word with the code in a perfect timing, we are very succesful to any feilds of situation or endeavor that we have i discover a code that will be incorporated so that this word will be very powerful to any of the conversation. let say your boss is commanding you that you will do a task that is not already aligned to your skills or specialty because of the lack of manpower in your company, your superior now is making an ultimate remedy to relieve him/her to the pressures, so how do you react or reply them in a nice way without pinching their egos, that`s a very though situation right, and it might, you will punch them, here in arab world is mostly happening this scenario because of the lack of manpower to any companies majority of the company here is short on manpower. The management is intentionally doing this in order to save an expenditures, but for me this is not the right way.
When you will use the word NO
No - Means automatically refusing, disagree and there is no more remedy to this word once you use it. And you will face a social dilemma associated this word its tough right. But I will give you a code to solve this issue. Using this word is not always in a perfect time. We can can only use this word NO to answer puzzles or true or false questionaire use the word NO only if a situation is agreeable to the word YES. Now you can now refuse your boss or anybody without humiliating them. Say it then stop. How?
You can refuse or agree professionally by:
Using the word YES with the code BUT that is the secret code folks, It's a BUT
Use it the way YES BUT......refuse, agree and whatever you like, just use the word YES BUT you will be save in any unfavorable situation.
So, thank you very much for your effort in reading and understanding my blogs


The Law of Attraction has become popular in recent times and has been generating a considerable amount of publicity through books like The Secret. Get all the info you need in here just navigate my post and you will see the articles relating to the law of attraction.
Theories are also emerging that the Law of Attraction was used in the past by scientists and musicians such as Einstein and Beethoven.Many experts also believe that even though people are unaware about the Law of Attraction it is continuously working in every individual's life.
Do You Believe?
There are many people who wonder whether a person who believes in the Law of Attraction can achieve everything their heart desires. The dilemma arises because of the belief that things do not come easy in life. Hence, logically even many open minded people find it difficult to believe in the Law of Attraction. Many people find it logically difficult to believe the Law of Attraction even if they want to believe that they can have everything they want just by thinking about their ambitions, hopes and dreams.

Many open minded people after believing for years that things do not come easy in any individual's life reach a point that they find it extremely hard to believe that they can achieve all that the desire by simply using the Law of Attraction.  But when provided scientific evidence that supports the Law of Attraction many people have come to believe the power of this principle. Noted authors about the Law of Attraction such as Rhonda Byrne believes that most people cannot achieve their desired goals because they are living in the epidemic of negative thought processes. Such people focus on what they do not want and what they are lacking in their life rather than focusing on what they have and what they want.
Many people also completely misunderstand the Law of Attraction which results in the misuse of the Law. Thus in order to understand the Law of Attraction it is important to adopt a perspective of subjective reality. Thereby focusing on the Law of Attraction will help
every individual achieve what he or she wants in his or her life. The Law of Attraction will help every individual create his or her own reality by focusing on positive actions and thought processes.
The Law of Attraction essentially means allowing positive thoughts to multiply and minimize negative thoughts to achieve what your heart truly desires. Law of Attraction can help every individual harness power in their own life with good habits.
But while using the power of the Law of Attraction one must remain cautious at all times so that use does not result in misuse